
Wednesday 19 December 2012

Props List

This is the props list I have made in order to know what I will need on the day of shooting.

Tuesday 18 December 2012

Costume Planning

I have decided that my actor in my video will wear fairly casual clothes such as jeans, converse or biker boots and a jacket/coat. I have chosen these pieces of clothes because it relates to the style of clothing people listening to this genre would wear.
I have chosen my actor to wear either a leather jacket or a dark coloured coat. I want her to wear fairly low-key clothing because I want the location to stand out, and in other indie rock music videos, the outfit is the not what the audience needs to look at but rather the concept of the video and the lyrics of the song.
Originally I wanted to involve other actors and have them wear white t-shirts with the lyrics printed on them, however I felt that this would distract from the key prop which will be the yellow balloons. I also know that I will be shooting during the winter so for practical reasons I decided it
 would be best not to include the t-shirts and rather use jackets or coats on all the actors involved as this would be more realistic.

Friday 7 December 2012

Influences on Music Genre

I have been researching the different things that would impact and influence the music genre of indie rock. This has been very interesting for me as I have been able to research several different indie rock bands and their music videos, and observe how different issues such as social issues, or fashion influences, have impacted their music videos.