
Friday 28 September 2012

Diary Entry 8

In Todays lesson I have been researching music channels. I have looked in to MTV, 4Music and VIVA, and put all the research I found into a slideshare presentation. I have also been setting myself targets and looking over my blog and found things to improve, such as my history of music videos prezi, which needs adding to it. I have also decided that at some point I will be presenting an upcoming diary entry through video. I think this will give my blog more variety and present my research and diaries in different, interesting ways.

Music Channels

Wednesday 26 September 2012

Research into possible equipment choices

Diary Entry 7

In todays lesson I have been creating a prezi detailing the research I have done on possible equipment choices for my music video. I have included on this prezi: names of the equipment I can use, images of this equipment, and information about how and why it could be used for my music video and also if I feel I want to use this equipment for the making of my music video.

Monday 24 September 2012

Diary Entry 6

I have been thinking more about the shots I want to use for my music video and have decided that I want a high number of extreme close-up and close-ups because I am struggling to find a interesting location to shoot and extreme close-ups are very forgiving and will bring the attention away from the uninteresting location. Furthermore, I want to include the fisheye lense in my music video, even if its just in a small aspect of the video. I think it will work really well because I still want my artist to be hallucinating and questioning what reality is, and a fisheye lense would convey this very well. I also want to have t-shirts with important lyrics from the song printed on the back, and have them walk away from the camera in order for the audience to see them but not be distracted by their faces - this will make sure the focus remains on the artist and the song.

Fisheye Lens

Extreme close-up shot

Wednesday 19 September 2012

History of music videos

Evidence of music videos that inspire/influence me


Diary Entry 5

In todays lesson I have been cleaning up my blog to make it clearer andmore accessible. I have been watching a wide range of music videos, all good and popular for different reasons in order to inspire me for when I make my music video.

Diary Entry 4

I've decided on the beginnings of a concept for my music video. I would like my singer, in a close up for most of the video and using the fish eye lens, create an effect which makes her seem like she is hallucinating. She will be miming along to the words while strange creatures and people with t-shirts with some of the lyrics on them walk by. I want it to feel like an alternate, colourful confusing world.

Diary Entry 3

Diary Entry 2

In todays lesson I have been researching potential songs I might like to use in my music video. I've also been discussing with my peers about how I can incorporate Goodwin's theory when choosing my sound. I am contemplating using one of his features which says that music links with the visuals or the lyrics link with the visuals. I'm leaning towards using a fairly upbeat indie music song.

Diary Entry 1

In todays lesson we looked at all the equipment available to us when we make our music videos. Here is a list of the equipment available:
Canon 550D SLR - I have chosen to use this camera when shooting my video as it is much easier to carry than the Sony HD camera and is still very good quality.
Sony HD 1000E
Steady Cam - I want to use the steady cam while filming my video because it will allow me to create a more professional tone to my video.
Fisheye lens - I definitely want to incorporate this lens into my video because I think it will make it more unique and interesting
Macro Adapter - I am interested in using this adapter because it will provide me with very close-up shots and therefore give me more interesting shots and angles than other music videos.
Wireless mic
Dead cats
Boom mic
Multi-cam console - I am thinking about using this multi-cam console because again I think it will provide me with a lot of variety with the shots I use and keep my audience interested in the video. I also think it will display my technical skills well.