
Friday 25 January 2013

Shot List

Before I shot my music video, I decided to make a shot list so I knew exactly which shots to focus on during production. This will help me manage my time effectively, because I do not want to waste time on any shots I don't think I will want. I did not put the timing for each shot on the sheet, as I felt I would not be sure exactly how long I will need each shot to last until I get to the shoot. I know that I will make each shot longer than I will need, as I feel I can edit out footage if I don't need it, rather than have less footage than I need and have to re-shoot.

Equipment Borrowing Form

Equipment Borrowing Form

Thursday 24 January 2013

Filming Schedule

I have made a brief filming schedule for this shoot for my music video. It includes information about how long setting up the equipment should take, as well as how long the actual filming should take.

Diary Entry 19


I have drawn some story boards for my music video. This is a fairly basic storyboard for my music video, but it will help me prepare for the shots I need and will also help me develop an idea for how I want to edit my music video.

Wednesday 23 January 2013

Structure of Music Video

I have completed a basic structure for my music video, based on the story board I completed. This will help me when shooting my video because it will allow me to get my shots very quickly and manage my time effectively.

Sunday 20 January 2013

Editing Software

The main editing software I have chosen to use for my music video is Adobe Premiere CS3. In order to use this software, I will need to put all of my video and shots on a timeline and edit and cut what I feel I can include and get rid of. I can also use this to slow down or speed up any of my video, in order to make it longer or just make it more meaningful and unique. I could also do this in order to make it play in time with the song. This is an excellent software to use as it gives me so many different options on how to edit it. It even allows me to zoom in on one of my shots even if I did not film it that way. I can add transitions or effects to my shots as well.
I will also be using Adobe Photoshop CS3 in order to make my print projects. These include my digipak and magazine adverts. I have experience in using both Photoshop and Premiere and this will help me greatly when using them for my projects in this course. Photoshop is extremely useful for editing my images, which will help me greatly and make my digipak and magazine adverts the best they can be. There are several tools that Photoshop allows me to use, such as brightness/contrast os the image, as well as other cutting tools or enlarging tools to change my image and make it the way I want it.
I also have the opportunity to use After Effects if I wish to, although I do not expect to use this for my music video.

Thursday 17 January 2013

Contact With The Band

As part of my planning process, I have contacted the label of the band I have chosen for the song I would like to use in my music video.

Monday 14 January 2013


When looking for locations for my music video, I found a local park in Ickenham called Swakeleys Park which fit my concept for my video perfectly. I wanted an aspect of nature in my video, as well as a clear space for my actor to walk. This made this location perfect for shooting my music video. It is also local enough that I can transport all the equipment I need quickly and easily.

Risk Assessment

I have completed a risk assessment form in order to make sure I can reduce any risks on the day of shooting. This is extremely helpful as it has allowed me to be prepared for any disruption on the day of shooting.

Sunday 13 January 2013

Diary Entry 16

I recently completed the research task 'Research into the relevant music genre'. In my case, this was the genre of indie/rock. During this task, I researched the kind of fashion artists in this genre tend to wear, as well as their appearance in their music videos. I also investigated the props these artists use in their music videos. I also went on to state how prominent social issues tend to be in indie/rock music videos. I found out that many music videos, such as Arcade Fire's 'The Suburbs' often have an underlying social issues which is being illustrated to the audience to make them more aware.
This task was very helpful in exposing me to the typical codes and conventions included in indie/rock music videos. It also gave me ideas for my own music video, such as the decision I made to make my actor wear fairly casual clothes because this would fit in with the indie/rock genre.

Friday 11 January 2013

Diary Entry 15

Recently I have been completing several research tasks including research in to a director I would want to use if I could. I discovered Ethan Lader, who I admire as a music video director. I found it interesting looking at his work and took some inspiration from it and found ways of making sure my video looks as professional and realistic as it can be.

Tuesday 8 January 2013

Research Into A Music Video Director

I have done some research on a well-known music video director in order to find out how to get my video to look more professional, as well as to take inspiration from him.